
This official website of the Town of Ashland, New Hampshire, provides information about the town government and the community for residents and visitors.

Ashland is a picturesque rural community, gateway to the Lakes Region and on the southern edge of the White Mountain National Forest. The community of Ashland is bordered on the west by the Pemigewasset River and on the east by Little Squam Lake. Ashland offers historical places, outdoor recreational opportunities, local artists and businesses to visit, as well as dining, shopping, and other services.


Ashland Power Outage

To the residents of Ashland,

The Town of Ashland has experienced a serious problem with its electrical distribution system that resulted in an explosion that severely damaged the distribution system and distribution substation.
With the assistance of our mutual aid system with other utilities, we have been able to power back up to the point that everyone within the system has power at their homes and businesses.

The Board of Selectmen has been requested to hold a special meeting and approve a petition filed by our Town Counsel with the Superior Court to hold a special meeting that will allow the voters to approve bonding. This will allow for the replacement of major damaged systems so that we can operate on permanent load in place of the temporary operations that we are currently using. The borrowing to be requested will not impact the tax rate or taxes on your property. The borrowing authorized will be paid by your power purchases not by taxes.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to conserve power wherever possible so that our systems can continue to operate and allow power to all customers without any interruptions. If for any reason your home or business is unoccupied, we encourage you to set your usage as low as possible to conserve power usage and ensure continued flow of power for everyone.

We are working towards a correction of the power problem that caused the day-long inconvenience to our residents and electric power users. The Municipal Lighting Plant will continue to work to correct the problems that caused the loss of power and inconvenience for the day- long outage.

Fred Welch
Town Manager

Public Hearing Notice

BOS- Public Hearing Notice March 28, 2025

BOS-Public Hearing Notice March 20, 2025

2025 Town Election

Special Town Meeting Warrant

The Special Town Meeting Deliberative Session will be held on April 8th at 6:30pm at the Ashland Elementary School Cafeteria

Town Election ResultsCLICK HERE

News and Notices

  • NEWS–If you’re interested in receiving notifications of town-wide emergencies and events, please register at https://ashlandnh.genasys.com/portal/en. This will allow our community to stay informed about emergencies and other events that may affect our community.  
  • NOTICE–Work on Union Bridge on Rt.3 between Ashland and Bridgewater will begin on Monday March 24, 2025.
  • NOTICE–On March 6, 2025, the Ashland Selectboard voted, pursuant to RSA 31:5, to petition the Grafton County Superior Court for permission to hold a special town meeting to raise and appropriate $2.2 million for the repair of the Ashland Electric Substation, and to authorize the issuance of not more than $2.2 million of bonds or notes in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act (RSA 33) and to authorize the Selectboard to issue and negotiate such bonds or notes and to determine the rate of interest thereon.  It is anticipated that this bond will be repaid through user fees.
  • NEWS–Happy Retirement Chief Steve Heath!  Please join us at the Ashland Fire Station on Friday March 28th 10am-2pm (open house until 5pm) to honor and celebrate Chief Heath’s 35 years of service to the Town of Ashland.  
  • NOTICE–The Supervisors of the Checklist will be in session at the Town Office for the purpose of making additions and corrections to the checklist, prior to the Special Town Meeting/1st Deliberative Session on Saturday, March 29, 2025 from 11:00-11:30am.